Monday, September 26, 2005


It is a scary and yet exciting thing to start a new blog... Scary in that the words you say here cannot be taken back, and exciting because you can write anything!
Working with computers all day is what I do, and yet I rarely write anything except directions for people to follow. Writing just to talk isn't something I ever do, I don't even write emails just to talk, there is always a reason, a purpose, some need that will be fulfilled with the dictation.
Today, I am just going to talk about random things that probably arn't very important to anyone except me. The first thought is my constant struggle with weight. For some reason, some people are more apt to struggle with this issue than others. I have friends that can eat whatever they want and never have an issue with it. But it doesn't matter if I eat extreemly healthy food and work out all the time, it is still a struggle. I have tried to give it to God, to just say, alright I've done what I can - please take it from here. But it still hangs on... constantly in the back of my mind, almost making me feel like a failure all the time. Maybe if I worked harder, got up earlier, eat less... maybe then I wouldn't stuggle so much, maybe then I would meet someone that would love me and want me. Ah... thats for another day!
Thats all for now. and, no - I can't believe I said all this...

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