Tuesday, May 30, 2006

orange lily

orange lily
Originally uploaded by gin_able.

This is one of those pictures that I wish I had taken! Mike turned me on to this guy's Flikr site. I was truly inspired with what I saw. What brilliant color and focus, I wonder what lense they used... I was just talking to Mike and he mentioned that some companies rent out lenses. I am going to have to look into that, I would love to take photo's that look like this one! Anyone have any resources for that?

Sunday, May 28, 2006

My Joe in Boston!

My Joe in Boston!
Originally uploaded by nmstory.

My trip to Boston was so much fun. I was so blessed that I was able to go with my family. My mom, dad and sister and my aunt and uncle and 3 of their kids (we missed you Rachel!).
This is a picture of Joe in front of the World Trade Center in Boston. It was were my aunt registered for the 2006 Boston Marathon!

Dubuque Church

Dubuque Church
Originally uploaded by nmstory.

What a great night for taking pictures of church steeples! Mike and I got some great pictures that night. If only I had a tripod with me!

The sky was georgeous, the color was great, it was one of the first nice nights of the year. April was such a great month.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Moving woes and joys

The only good thing about moving is that you really see that people care. I really didn't know how I was going to get everything moved into my new house by myself. But it quickly became apparent that I didn't have to!
that's really what I love about God, I love that even when I don't have faith in Him to work a situation out, He is still there. His love is not contingent on my response. It is unconditional and doesn't change. I do not need to fear being left out or not on His list!
I am just struggling through how to offer that same love to those around me. If in fact I want to be a conduit for the love of God, then I need to be less conditional in my affection. That is a tall order for me. But I really think that it's possible.
I am going to miss my apartment. I have so many wonderful memories in it. My memories with my roommates go with me, but it's not the same. The time that Corrie & Brian, Jen and I spent together in that apartment are priceless to me. I praise God for giving me such wonderful kindred spirits in the midst of some very tough times! I praise God for my mom and dad always being so helpful to lend anything that was needed (and hopefully still lend helping hands for the house!). I praise God for my sister for all the love she gives continually to me. (see this is why I don't blog often! I'm crying so hard I can't even see anymore!). I praise God for Lissa for being a great pretend roommate! I praise God for Mike, there have been so many things that he has taught me over the years. This move is closing a chapter in my life. I am very sad and yet extremely excited. Doesn't that sound strange?! God has blessed me with so many people in my life that are continually there for me - no matter what! They love me and support me. And I pray that I can live up to all of that!
Blessings to you all and goodbye to my little apartment!