Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Great sadness.

It is with great sadness that I watch the election results tonight. I thought Obama would win, but I never thought it would be by this much. And I'm also very disappointed in Iowa... WHAT WHERE YOU THINKING??? I pray that God will have mercy on us. I pray that God would bring peace to those that fought hard and lost, it was not God's will that we win this one. I guess that just means that the time is getting shorter, as in the day's of Noah...
All I know is that I'm looking for a new bumper sticker: "I voted McCain - so don't come cryin to me!" May God save the children and not give us, as a nation, what we deserve for this election decision.

"A new dawn of American leadership is at hand... the true genius of America is that we can change..." ~ President Elect Obama
Lets see where he leads this nation.


Katie said...

I want one of those bumper stickers. I also want one that says Palin '12.

"The true genius of America is what we can change???" Change it how. So that we are no longer a democracy?? I'll stop now. *grits teeth and shuts mouth*

ellbee said...

OK- but did you listen to the whole of his speech last night? I don't think what I heard was a socialist or psycho. I heard someone who believes in the promise of democracy.
I'm challenging everyone I know to start praying for Obama as hard as they prayed against his victory. That will honor God more than continued partisanship. -> stepping off of soapbox, realizing I should rant on my own blog <-