Ok, so I'm thinking this will be a great place to keep the progress (or lack thereof!) for what I’m going to call my missio Dei (Mission of God). How do we know what God wants us to do? How does God speak in our lives? How do we know if what we hear is God’s voice or our own will? What is the mission of God in our life?
These are some of the big questions that most of us struggle with, well at least those that WANT to hear God’s will…
So here is a short story… When I turned 15, I felt a call of God on my life, to minister in some way to children – and not just any children – but children in need. So I made a promise to God and myself, that if when I turned 30 I was not married, I would adopt children. Well I’m a bit older now, and just in the past 2 years did I remember this promise to God and myself, but I didn’t think much of it till last month, when I realized that I was now 29… oh my – that’s pretty close to 30! And guess what? I still haven’t found the ONE God has to be my mate.
So here is the part where I am hoping to hear the voice of God clearly, what would God have me do? Am I to pursue adoption – as a single parent? Am I to go to
At this point – I do not feel to leave this place where I’m planted, that may come, but for now I have a mission field right here is
After having a short discussion with one of my friends about hearing the voice of God – or knowing His will for my life, I have come to realize that I really operate in certain way when it comes to figuring out God’s will in my life. I start with prayer, and that prayer consists of – Lord, Your will – not mine! Then I ask for His guidance – Lord, open the doors you want opened and close those I’m not supposed to go through. I really feel that by really only wanting His will, it is kinda His responsibility to show me that will. Also knowing that adoption is something that is very close to God's heart is a good place to start, God is very specific about the fact that His people are supposed to be taking care of the widows and orphans! So I go through doors that look open – and keep praying for His will. So that is the process that I’m in the middle of right now. Adoption? Which doors will open? What would God have me do – even to begin?
But what does a girl like me know about the wide world of adoption. And remember – at all times, I only want God’s will. So I did an internet search on adoption in One that I checked into was called
Nicky, this is Hanna, Uncle Seth is over here and I was reading parts of your post out loud when he said to comment and tell you that he thought you already had kid by having your sister live with you! Lot's of Love,
Hey! I didn't know you were back to blogging! So, I'll be stopping by... oh and I can't wait to see your new camera!
Hey Hanna! Tell Uncle Seth - that I pretty much already have 2 kids - what with Grandma and Steph living with me!!!
Love ya!
Hey Kate! Yepper - back at it - I'm gonna try to do it more faithfully now - just to try and keep track of everything that is going on...
See ya tonight!
Love ya!
Hi, Nicky Story! I'm so glad I stumbled across your blog, from a comment you had left on someone else's. I'm so glad that you are writing about adopting, and that God has laid it on my heart to seek Him for you, that you will hear His voice clearly in this matter! I'm so glad you posted your lovely smile on the internet!
Alice - you are too sweet! I miss you so much, and do covet your prayers about all this. Thanks for the encouragement! And I will keep you posted.
Lots of love!
I am a sister in Christ who happened to stumble over your page. I instantly thought of this scripture and wanted to share it with you:
For it is written: "Be glad, O barren woman, who bears no children; break forth and cry aloud, you who have no labor pains; because more are the children of the desolate woman than of her who has a husband." Gal 4:27
Another scripture that came to my mind is:
“Now about virgins: I have no command from the Lord, but I give a judgment as one who by the Lord's mercy is trustworthy. Because of the present crisis, I think that it is good for you to remain as you are. I would like you to be free from concern. An unmarried man is concerned about the Lord's affairs--how he can please the Lord. But a married man is concerned about the affairs of this world--how he can please his wife-- and his interests are divided. An unmarried woman or virgin is concerned about the Lord's affairs: Her aim is to be devoted to the Lord in both body and spirit. But a married woman is concerned about the affairs of this world--how she can please her husband. I am saying this for your own good, not to restrict you, but that you may live in a right way in undivided devotion to the Lord.” 1 Cor 7:25-35
I believe that children are born to a man and a woman because it takes a man and a woman to properly raise a child. You are in a position to be a blessing to many spiritual children because you are not bound to any natural ones. However, God will tell you clearly what you are to do in your situation. If He has laid it on your heart to adopt then He will be “the Father to the fatherless” and will honor your obedience to Him. It is most likely that God will tell you directly what He has for you to do. You have (no doubt) matured a lot in Christ since you were 15 and will know in your heart if or not the promise you made back then is to be upheld or let go of. You should not adopt simply because you said you would while you were young, for there were many things you didn’t know back then, but if it was really God who laid that desire on your heart, then you will know in your heart as to what you need to do. Please prayerfully consider these words. May our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ bless you greatly as you live for Him!
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